P&S Council Docket Archives




May 16, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY24.2 Motion and Recommendation Comp and Benefits Report
April 11, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFinal Comp and Benefits Report
March 7, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
February 1, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
January 11, 2024Meeting Canceled 
December 7, 2023Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
November 8, 2023Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY24.1 Salary Resolution
October 12, 2023Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
September 7, 2023Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
August 3, 2023Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
July 6, 2023Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 




June 1, 2023AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsRules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council Revised 5/8/23
May 4, 2023AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

FY23.4 Motion to Amend the Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council Revised 4/28/23 

April 6, 2023AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY23SP03 Salary Statement
March 2, 2023AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials 
February 2, 2023AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY23SP02 Motion on Compensation and Benefits Report and Recommendations
January 5, 2023AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY23.3 Motion to submit Compensation and Benefits Annual Report
December 1, 2022AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials 
November 3, 2022AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials 
October 6, 2022AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials 
September 1, 2022AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

FY23.2 Motion on Strategic Initiatives

FY23SP01 WorkFlex Satisfaction Report

August 4, 2022AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY23.2 Motion on Strategic Initiatives
July 7, 2022AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY 23.1 Motion on Tuition Reimbursement




June 2, 2022Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
May 5, 2022Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY22 Budget Update
April 7, 2022Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY22.4 Motion on Sick Leave Conversion Pay
March 3, 2022Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY22.3 Compensation and Benefits - Motion, Report, and Recommendation
February 3, 2022Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
January 6, 2022Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
December 2, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials: Professional Development Conference Subcommittee ReportUniversity Human Resources Update 
November 3, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials: OVPR ReportAvoiding Ransomware Report 
October 7, 2021

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials (ITS), Supporting Materials 

September 9, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials FY22.1 Motion to Endorse the 2021-2022 Strategic Initiatives of Professional and Scientific Council.pdf
August 12, 2021Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Materials  
July 1, 2021 Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 





June 3, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials  
May 6, 2021 Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials  
April 1, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials  
March 4, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials  
February 4, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials FY21.3--Motion on Salary and Benefit Recommendation  
January 7, 2021Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials  
December 3, 2020Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
November 5, 2020Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
October 1, 2020Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
Sept. 10, 2020Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
August 6, 2020Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials

FY21.2-Motion to Support Temporary Cost-Reducing Measures 

FY21.1-Motion to Endorse the 2020-2021 Strategic Initiatives of Professional and Scientific Council 

July 16, 2020Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 




June 25, 2020


Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials

FY20.6 - Motion to Define Antiracist Efforts of the Professional and Scientific Council to Strengthen Campus Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

FY20SP02 - Special Report to Council - Professional and Scientific Council Year End Report 2019-2020

May 7, 2020

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 

April 2, 2020

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY20SP01 - Statement to the Iowa Board of Regents on Salary Policies for FY21

March 5, 2020

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 

Feb. 6, 2020

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials FY20.5 - Motion to Amend the Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council

Jan. 9, 2020

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY20.4 - Motion on Salary and Benefit Recommendation

Dec. 5, 2019

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY20.3 - Motion to Create a Safe and Welcoming Environment

Nov. 6, 2019

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 

Oct. 3, 2019

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 

Sept. 5, 2019

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY20.2 - Motion to Endorse the 2019-2020 Strategic Initiatives of Professional and Scientific Council

Aug. 1, 2019

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 

July 11, 2019

Agenda, Mintues, and Supporting MaterialsFY20.1 - Motion to Request Crucial Conversations


June 6, 2019

Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 

FY19.13 - Motion to Endorse the Salary Adjustments (formerly reviewed as the Compensation Administration) Policy

FY19.12 - Motion to Endorse the Nonexempt Time Reporting Policy

FY19.11 - Motion to Amend Professional and Scientific Council Bylaws Regarding Appointment to the University Committee on Disabilities

FY19.10 - Motion to Endorse the Hiring and Employment Policy and Accompanying Guidelines

FY19.9 - Motion to Expand Efforts to Promote Inclusive Professional and Scientific Council Meeting Spaces, Events, Practices, and Procedures

FY19.8 - Motion to Join Efforts to Establish and Refine a University Policy Against Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation on Campus

FY19SP04 - Special Report to Council - Professional and Scientific Council Year End Report 2018-2019

FY19SP03 - Special Report to Council - UHR Data Request

May 2, 2019

AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

FY19.7 - Motion to Endorse the Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants Policy

FY19.6 - Motion to Endorse the Non-Employment Dates - Exempt P&S Policy

FY19.5 - Motion to Endorse the Direct Deposit Policy

FY19SP02 - Special Report to Council - Statement to the Iowa Board of Regents on Salary Policies for FY2020

April 3, 2019

Agenda and Minutes

March 7, 2019

AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

Feb. 7, 2019

AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

Jan. 3, 2019

Agenda and Minutes

FY19.4 - To send the Recommended Features of a Revised Performance Appraisal Model to University Administration

FY19.3 - To send the 2019 Compensation and Benefits Report and the Compensation and Benefits Recommendation for FY2020 to University Administration

Dec. 6, 2018

AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

FY19.3 - To send the 2019 Compensation and Benefits Report and the Compensation and Benefits Recommendation for FY2020 to University Administration
Oct. 31, 2018

AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

Oct. 4, 2018

AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

FY19.2 - Motion, Improved Service Delivery Recommendation on behalf of Professional and Scientific Council (includes constituent questions and feedback gathered via email)
Sept. 6, 2018

Agenda and Minutes

FY19.1 Motion to Endorse the 2018-2019 Strategic Initiatives of Professional and Scientific Council
Aug. 2, 2018

Agenda and Minutes

July 12, 2018

Agenda and Minutes



May 24, 2018Agenda and Minutes18SP03: Special Report to Council - Professional and Scientific Council Year End Report 2017-2018
May 3, 2018Agenda and MinutesFY18SP01: Special Report to Council - Statement to the Iowa Board of Regents on Salary Policies for FY2019
April 4, 2018Agenda and Minutes 
March 1, 2018Agenda and Minutes 
Feb. 1, 2018Agenda and Minutes 
Jan. 4, 2018Agenda and MinutesFY18.3 Motion: Salary and Benefit Recommendation with Report for FY19
Dec. 7, 2017Agenda and Minutes

FY18.2 Motion: Endorse Expanded Donated Leave Policy

FY18.1 Motion: Endorse Sexual Misconduct Policy Regarding Students

Nov. 1, 2017Agenda and Minutes 
Oct. 5, 2017Agenda and Minutes 
Sept. 7, 2017Agenda and Minutes 
Aug. 3, 2017Agenda and Minutes 
July 6, 2017Agenda and Minutes 


May 25, 2017Agenda and Minutes

17SP03: Special Report to Council - Professional and Scientific Council Year End Report

FY17.6 Motion: Document a Shared Governance Philosophy at Iowa State University

FY17.5 Motion: Amend the Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council

FY17.4 Motion: Compensation and Benefits Recommendation for FY18 to University Administration

May 4, 2017Agenda and Minutes

17SP02: Special Report to Council – Statement to the Iowa Board of Regents on Salary Policies for FY2018

FY17.3 Motion: Create an Equity and Inclusion Committee (on Professional and Scientific Council)

April 6, 2017Agenda and Minutes 
March 2, 2017Agenda and MinutesFY17.2 Motion: Amend Professional and Scientific Council Bylaws to Reflect the Current University Structure
Feb. 2, 2017Agenda and Minutes 
Jan. 5, 2017AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials FY17.1 Motion: Inclusion of statement regarding Diversity and Inclusion in the FY 2017 Priorities and Strategic Initiatives Document
Dec. 1, 2016AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials  
Nov. 3, 2016AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials  
Oct. 6, 2016AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials  
Sept. 1, 2016AgendaMinutes and Supporting Materials 
Aug. 4, 2016Agenda and Minutes 
July 7, 2016Agenda and Minutes17SP01: Special Report to Council – Response to UHR based on feedback received from

Professional and Scientific Council’s Motion FY16.7


May 26, 2016AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials

16SP04: Special Report to Council – Professional and Scientific Council Year End Report 2015-2016

FY16.11 Motion: To send the Compensation Recommendation for FY17 to University Administration

May 5, 2016Agenda and Minutes

16SP03: Special Report to Council - Statement to the Iowa Board of Regents on Salary Policies for FY2017

FY16.10 Motion: To Amend the Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council

FY16.9 Motion: Sending the Iowa State University Lactation Spaces and Policies
Proposal to University Human Resources for action.

April 6, 2016AgendaMinutes, and Supporting Materials 
March 3, 2016Agenda and MinutesFY 16.8 Motion: Sending Iowa State University Practices for Professional and Scientific Employees

 who also have for Credit Teaching Responsibilities Proposal to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost and University Human Resources

Feb. 4, 2016Agenda and MinutesFY16.6 Motion: Sending proposed changes to the Tuition Reimbursement Program to the University Benefits Committee
Jan. 7, 2016Agenda and MinutesFY16.7 Motion: Seeking Clarification regarding interpretation and application of the Flexible Hours Program, Flex Time Policy, and Vacation Leave Policy during an Iowa State University partial closing
Dec. 3, 2015AgendaMinutes and Supporting MaterialsFY16.2 Motion: Amend Professional and Scientific Bylaws Regarding Committee Appointments
Nov. 5, 2015AgendaMinutes and Supporting Materials

15SP02: Special Report to Council - Acquiring Additional Information about the Emerging Leaders Academy Leadership Program and the P35 minimum paygrade eligibility requirement for P&S Employees

FY16.5 Motion: Video Cameras, Administrative Uses Policy

FY16.4 Motion: Facilities and Grounds Use, Activities Policy

FY16.3 Motion: Smoke Free Campus Policy

Oct. 7, 2015Agenda and Minutes15SP01: Special Report to Council - Assuring P&S Employees Who are also Enrolled Students are Receiving Services Provided through Student Fees
Sept. 3, 2015AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY16.1 Motion: Outstanding New P&S Council Member CYtation Award
Aug. 8, 2015Agenda and Minutes 
July 9, 2015Agenda and Minutes 


June 4, 2015Agenda and MinutesFY15.7 Motion: Support of the Recruitment and Selection Policy
May 7, 2015AgendaMinutes, and Supporting MaterialsFY15.6 Motion: Recommendations for the FY16 P&S Salary Parameters
April 1, 2015Agenda and Minutes

FY 15.5 Motion: Support of the Assistance Animals Policy (Guide: Assistance Animals on Campus - Procedures and Guidance)

March 8, 2015Agenda and Minutes 
Feb. 5, 2015Agenda and MinutesFY15.4 Amendment to the P&S Bylaws
Jan. 8, 2015Agenda and MinutesFY15.3 Amendment to the P&S Constitution (Constitution version showing edits) - Approved by all staff vote 3/27/15
Dec. 4, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
Nov.Agenda and Minutes 
Oct.2, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
Sept. 4, 2014Agenda and Minutes

FY15.2 Motion: Data Classification Policy 

FY15.1 Motion: P&S Positions At-Will and Exempt from P&S Policies Policy

Aug. 7, 2014Agenda and Minutes 


June 4, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
May 8, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
April 3, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
March 6, 2014Agenda and MinutesFY14.6 Recommendation: Salary Policy FY 2015
Feb. 6, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
Jan. 9, 2014Agenda and Minutes 
Dec. 5, 2013Agenda and Minutes 
Nov. 7, 2013Agenda and Minutes 
Oct. 3, 2013Agenda and Minutes

FY14.5 Resolution: Dan Woodin Posthumous Appreciation

FY14.4 Motion: Workforce Reorganization - P&S

FY14.3 Resolution: Reclassification - P&S

FY14.2 Motion: Dispute Resolution - P&S

FY14.1 Resolution: Dismissal, Summary - P&S

Sept. 12, 2013Agenda and Minutes 
Aug. 1, 2013Agenda and Minutes






FY13.2 Salary State Motion



FY13.1 P&S staff representation




FY12.4 P&S Committee Bylaws Changes



FY12.3 Renaming a standing committee to Professional Development

12/1/11 FY12.2 President Geoffroy Joint Resolution
11/3/11 FY12.1 Research Misconduct Policy