Council Members

Elected Council Officers





Term Ending

Jason FollettPresidentSoftware Engineering6/30/2025
Jennifer SchroederPresident-ElectFinance Service Delivery6/30/2025
Patrick WallPast PresidentExtension to Agriculture Extensiion6/30/2025
Michael BoydMichael BoydVice President for Communications and Community RelationsOffice of Student Information6/30/2025
Susan McNichollVice President for Special ProjectsCollege of Engineering6/30/2025
Sara EversonSecretary-TreasurerPublic Safety6/30/2025

Committee Chairs

 NamePositionDepartmentTerm Ending
Christine ReindersAwards ChairFacilities & Engineering Services - Ames National Laboratory6/30/2025
Emily DougillCompensation & Benefits ChairAg & Life Sciences Administration6/30/2027
Paul EaskerGovernance ChairVirtual Reality Applications Center6/30/2026
Rachel FairclothPeer Advocacy & Policy ChairCollege of Business Academic Affairs6/30/2026
Isaac EhlersProfessional Development ChairOffice of Student Financial Aid6/30/2026

Academic Affairs



Representation Area


Term Ending

Chad ArnoldMultiple CollegesResearch Farms6/30/2027
Michael BoydMichael BoydCollege of Agriculture and Life SciencesOffice of Student Information6/30/2025
Lynne CampbellExtension & OutreachYouth & 4H6/30/2026
Amy CarverCollege of EngineeringEngineering Student Services6/30/2027
Anindita DasCollege of DesignCollege of Design6/30/2025
Emily DougillMultiple CollegesAg & Life Sci Administration6/30/2027
Paul EaskerOffice of Vice President for ResearchVirtual Reality Applications Center6/30/2026
Isaac EhlersOffice of Senior Vice President and ProvostOffice of Student Financial Aid6/30/2026
Rachel FairclothOffice of Senior Vice President and ProvostCollege of Business Academic Affairs6/30/2026
Sarah FreestoneMultiple CollegesOffice of Student Financial Aid6/30/2026
Kate GarretsonLibraryLibrary6/30/2027
Taylor GerdesCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesChemistry6/30/2027
Paul GibbinsExtension & OutreachCooperative Extension Field Program6/30/2026
Laura GravesAmes LaboratoryAmes Laboratory6/30/2025
Snow GrayCollege of Liberal Arts and ScienceLiberal Arts & Sci Student Academics Srv6/30/2026
Whitney GroomesAmes LaboratoryAmes Laboratory6/30/2025
Sara Harris-TalleyMultiple CollegesElectrical and Computer Engineering6/30/2027
 Laura KilbrideMultiple CollegesHuman Sciences Student Services6/30/2027
Chris Knight-GipeExtension & OutreachVice President Extension and Outreach6/30/2026
Steven KopeckyCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesHuman Sciences Administration6/30/2026
Susan McNichollCollege of EngineeringEngineering Student Services6/30/2025
Heidi NyeCollege of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Diagnostic Laboratory6/30/2027
Deanna PowellMultiple CollegesFood Science & Human Nutrition6/30/2027
Tina ProutyCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineering6/30/2025
Julieanne RogowskiExtension & OutreachIowa State Online6/30/2027
Brian Rowe-BarthMultiple CollegesVeterinary Clinical Sciences6/30/2026
Anugrah SaxenaCollege of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Diagnostic Laboratory6/30/2025
Lauren TurneyLauren TumeyCollege of BusinessBusiness Undergraduate Programs6/30/2025
Adam WadeCollege of Liberal Arts & SciencesChemistry6/30/2026

President's Office

 Name Department Term Ending
Nikki BrandonEnvironmental Health and Safety6/30/2025
 TBD 6/30/2026
Stacy DreyerResearch Park6/30/2027
Sara EversonPublic Safety6/30/2026
Mike FischerIT Services6/30/2025
 Alan HulsebusInformation Technology Services6/30/2027
Lucas OerterAthletic Department6/30/2026

Student Affairs




Term Ending

Nathan PickRecreation Services6/30/2026
 Sam SheltonStudent Wellness6/30/2026
Leah WeeksDepartment of Residence6/30/2027

Operations & Finance

 NameDepartmentTerm Ending
Nellie CorningFinance Delivery6/30/2025
Kim HopeReiman Gardens6/30/2027
Rachel JonesProcurement Services6/30/2027
George LoperMemorial Union6/30/2026
 TBD 6/30/2026
Christine Reinders, ChairFacilities & Engineering Services- Ames Laboratory6/30/2027
Melissa WargFacilities & Engineering Services- Ames Laboratory6/30/2025

Need a substitute for a council meeting? The Governance Committee maintains a list of P&S Staff willing to attend Council meetings when elected representatives are unable to attend.