
General Council Meetings are held monthly. Docket items listed here have come before the Professional and Scientific Council for action. The most recent items are listed first. Docket items presented before FY24 are on the Docket Archives page.

If a councilor is unable to attend the monthly meeting, notify the committee chair and seek a substitute.

You can join us virtually via Teams by clicking on the meeting date below.

Professional and Scientific Council 2024-25 General Meetings Schedule




May 22, 2025Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
April 10, 2025Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
March 6, 2025Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
February 6, 2025Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
January 9, 2025Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
December 5, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
November 7, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting MaterialsProposed Bylaw Change -First Reading
October 10, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
September 5, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials 
July 11, 2024Agenda, Minutes, and Supporting Materials