Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development (PD) Committee has the responsibility of fostering and assisting the professional development of Professional and Scientific (P&S) employees of Iowa State University in cooperation with University Human Resources (UHR). This committee works with the Communications Committee to inform P&S employees of professional development opportunities and resources available at the university.

Professional Development Conference

Each year, the PD Committee organizes a professional development conference for P&S employees. This committee aims to provide participants with a day focused on learning new skills and strengthening old ones, discovering useful tips they can immediately apply in the workplace, gathering information about resources available to them on campus, having an opportunity to network with fellow P&S employees, and sharing techniques they may utilize for increasing morale and motivation within their workplaces. 

Seminar Series

The PD Committee also coordinates the monthly Seminar Series for P&S employees by selecting professional development topics relevant to P&S employees, and communicating with the guest speakers. A few of the seminars are more "informational" in content and are considered open forums. All seminars are scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month during the academic year, except the month in which the Professional Development Conference is held. The seminars are livestreamed and recorded, thus allowing P&S employees to participate from their offices on the day of the seminar, or view the recording at a later date. 

The professional growth and development of P&S employees is a major personnel goal of Iowa State University. UHR offers many opportunities, some of which may be financially supported by an employee's department. Please visit for more information.

Contact Information

If you have questions concerning the committee’s work, you may contact any member of the committee listed on this page or send an email to the committee address below which distributes to all committee members. Members of the committee are available to discuss any aspect of the program including programs currently in progress or ideas for future proposals.


Committee e-mail: