P&S Council Executive Council holds strategic initiatives meeting
Jul 28, 2020
Professional and Scientific Council Executive Council members pose for a physically-distanced photo at Reiman Gardens at the group's July 27 retreat. The Executive Council compiled a draft of P&S Council's strategic inititaves for 2020-21. They will be posted after being passed by a full council vote. Pictured are (front row, left to right): Lindsay Moeller, council president Sara Parris, Joy Stroud. Middle row, left to right: past president Amy Ward, president-elect Chris Johnsen. Third row, left to right: Suzanne Ankerstjerne, Barry McCroskey, John Odenweller. Fourth row, left to right: Jamie Sass, John Hascall. Fifth row, left to right: Jacob Larsen, John Burnett-Larkins, Jason Follett.