
The Professional and Scientific Council Executive Committee includes the Council President, President Elect, Vice President for Compensation and Benefits, Vice President for Communications and Community Relations, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Secretary/Treasurer. These officers are elected by the Council. Also serving as voting members of the Executive Committee are the chairs of the Council's standing committees.

The Executive Committee meets monthly and is responsible for decision-making for Council on items that need immediate action, and for suggesting courses of action to committees or the Council on some other Council issues. Meetings are open to other Professional and Scientific Council members, university administrators, or other P&S employees. The Executive Committee is chaired by the Council President who can provide information on meeting times and locations.


Committee e-mail:


Jason Follett, President

Jennifer Schroeder, President Elect

Patrick Wall, Past President

Sara Everson, Secretary/Treasurer

Michael Boyd, Vice President for Communications and Community Relations

Liz Luiken, Vice President for Compensation and Benefits

Susan McNicholl, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Christine Reinders, Chair, Awards Committee

Paul Easker, Chair, Governance Committee

Rachel Faircloth, Chair, Peer Advocacy and Policy Committee

Isaac Ehlers, Chair, Professional Development Committee